Qatar Museums and Aga Khan Trust for Culture signs cooperation agreement


Qatar Museums (QM) and Aga Khan Trust for Culture (AKTC) signed a cooperation agreement aimed at advancing the protection of heritage, arts education, and urban regeneration. The agreement was signed by QM CEO Mohammed Saad Al Rumaihi and AKTC General Manager Luis Monreal, in the presence of H E Sheikha Al Mayassa bint Hamad bin Khalifa Al Thani, Chairperson of Qatar Museums. This partnership is aimed at utilizing the expertise of both organizations for the enhancement of the cultural landscape. Under this collaboration, QM and AKTC will partner on projects involving a heritage conservation center to be established, training for young professionals, and exhibitions that celebrate Qatari and Islamic culture. By combining their resources and knowledge, the two organizations hope to preserve cultural heritage, revitalize urban spaces, and empower communities through arts and crafts education.

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