Things to do in Souq Waqif

Destination | Last updated : 15-07-2024

Souq Waqif Market in Doha is located in the central area of ​​Al Souq and is considered one of the most colorful sights of the city. The market has existed since the days when Doha was a village. It was located on the bank of the river, so that it was convenient to deliver goods from boats. The Bedouins traded their simple goods here, but gradually the market fell into decay, in 2003 a fire destroyed most of it, and in 2006 the Qatari authorities decided to restore Waqif in order to preserve its historical and architectural uniqueness. As a result, it was possible to completely recreate the atmosphere of an old oriental bazaar with narrow streets, a market square, buildings made of stone and wood, countless shops and malls selling everything from spices, fruits, nuts and sweets to clothes, jewelry, perfumes, weapons, souvenirs. and exotic birds. By the way, the bazaar has a separate area, especially loved by children, where they sell pets, fish, turtles, parrots and other colorful birds. And nearby are paddocks with camels, Arabian horses and a falcon bazaar, where they sell birds of prey, all the necessary accessories for them, there is even a hospital for falcons.

Old Souq Waqif

However, Souq Waqif in Doha is not only a commercial, but also a cultural center. Folklore performances are constantly held here, national music is played, and in the spring a large art festival is held. The market also houses the Abdul Aziz Nasser Theatre, previously known as Al Rayyan Theater, which seats almost 1000 spectators, several art galleries, cafes and restaurants offering traditional local dishes, and hookahs with cozy terraces.


On the site of the current Souq Waqif, the market has existed for many centuries. After renovation in 2008, the layout of the market square was changed, for the convenience of guests and residents of the city, it was conditionally divided into departments with spices, fabrics, souvenirs, handicrafts, etc. Each building has the spirit of the past, the Qataris managed to keep many houses in their original form - you can wander around the narrow cool streets between low clay buildings with bamboo and wood in the interior. Souq Waqif is a place that takes you back to the past - to the ancient markets of Arabia, to the traditions and heritage of Qatar.


At the market, you can buy all the traditional goods that symbolize the Middle East: spices, seasonal delicacies such as dates and nuts, jewelry, traditional clothes, souvenirs, perfumes and oud (exotic agar incense). Even the police station operating in Souk is a tribute to tradition: officers stand guard and keep order in the style of the 1940s of the last century.


Souq Waqif will delight you with a large selection of cafes and restaurants of traditional Eastern and European cuisine. Here you can spend a warm evening with a cup of aromatic coffee and enjoy a hookah with a large selection of flavors.


Souq Waqif is home to a number of art galleries and cultural centers, where you can see traditional Qatari art and learn about the country's history and culture. Souq Waqif is a photographer's paradise. The narrow alleyways, colorful buildings, and traditional architecture make for some stunning photos. Souq Waqif comes alive at night. The alleyways are lit up with lanterns, and there are many restaurants and cafes where you can enjoy a drink or a meal. There are also often traditional music and dance performances held in the souq.


The best time to visit Souq Waqif is in the late afternoon or early evening, when it is cooler and the market is really coming alive. If you are interested in shopping, be sure to bargain with the shopkeepers. They will often start with a high price, but you can usually get them to lower it.


Here are some additional tips for visiting Souq Waqif:

  • Wear comfortable shoes as you will be doing a lot of walking.
  • Bring some cash as many shops do not accept credit cards.
  • Be aware of your surroundings and keep your belongings close to you.
  • Drink plenty of water as it can get hot in the souq.
  • Enjoy the atmosphere and soak up the culture.

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